A Ride Through Space

In this interactive story, users will discover a hidden key in the heart of a forest, leading them on an extraordinary journey through space. Guided by a friendly star, they’ll explore different planets in the solar system, gathering knowledge and experiences. The adventure ends on the Moon, where a special apple helps them return safely to Earth.

Scan to Experience the Story in AR!

English Version

Read the full story in English!

This story consists of 6 scenes. It begins in a forest where users can see a leafy tree in the centre with a key hanging from it. Users are invited to take the key to open a secret door that will allow them to discover a new world and have an adventure in space. In space, the user meets a star that invites them to take a ride and shows them the planets of the solar system. After passing through several planets, they arrive at the moon, where they find an apple. The apple makes it easier to return to Earth.

Spanish Version

Leer la historia completa en Español!

Esta historia se compone de 6 escenas. Tiene comienzo en un bosque, en donde se puede ver un árbol frondoso en el centro del cual cuelga una llave. Se invita al usuario a tomar la llave para poder abrir una puerta secreta que le permite descubrir un nuevo mundo y tener una aventura en el espacio. En el espacio conoce a una estrella que le invita a dar un paseo y a mostrarte los planetas del sistema solar. Después de pasar por varios planetas llegan a la luna en donde se encuentran con una manzana. Manzana facilita el regreso del usuario a la tierra. 


Scene 1: The Forest

In the middle of a forest full of tall trees, we can see a tree in the centre, illuminated by the sunlight. Tall, leafy, green and full of life. Upon closer inspection, we can see a key hanging from one of its branches.


Users must approach the tree and take the key to open a secret door.


Note: In the scene, instructions can be read from a blue button.

Scene 2: The Secret Door

Touching the key will reveal a door, allowing you to enter the tree and discover a new world.


After taking the key, users must touch the secret door to start a new space adventure. 

Note: In the scene, instructions can be read from a blue button.

Scene 3: The Star

This scene takes place in outer space. In the centre is a friendly, funny and very bright star. The star becomes a friend and guide, inviting the user to take a ride and show them the solar system.


In this scene, users must touch the star to begin the ride through space.

Scene 4: Solar System

This scene takes place in space, where users can observe the solar system planets. Users are accompanied by the star, that shares the name and some information about the planets. 


In this scene users can see the solar system different planets. Additionally, they can read the messages that Star shares with them through the pink button and follow instructions indicated on the blue button.

Scene 5: The Moon

This scene takes place on the Moon. A different view of space is shown, where users can have a closer view of planet Earth. Also, in the distance they can see the sun, as well as the planets Mercury, Venus and Mars.

In this scene, users meet Apple, a new friend. Apple tells Star that it is time to return to planet Earth. 


In this scene users can see some planets from the moon. Additionally, they can read the messages that Apple shares with them through the pink button and follow instructions indicated on the blue button

Scene 6: Return to Earth

This is the final scene where users return to origin place. During the ride through space, fruits were growing on the tree. Showing that when users return, they find a full of apples tree. In this case apples represent all knowledge acquired after experiences. 

A final message appears in the scene inviting users to get into a new one adventure.


Here are a couple of the resources used to create the AR experience for The Enigmatic Stone. These include 3D models, textures, and animations sourced from Sketchfab, Microsoft Paint 3D Library, and other tools.

Complete List of Resources ➔

Star (Animated)


